Friday, June 03, 2005

Eating my words...or someone else's.

If there's one thing that I like, it's a raidable reception. As long as there are enough people, nobody notices the small, unobtrusive girl walking in, loading up a plate, and walking out. Today's was a fairly large book-related conference. The spread was decent, but what struck me were the individually wrapped shortbread cookies. Printed in the frosting on each cookie was a photographic representation of the cover of "Through Women's Eyes: An American History, With Documents."
I guess the book's author or her publicist decided that if people ate cookies with the book's cover on them, they'd get the urge to buy the book. But it was weird. The cover had several pictures of women's faces, and the print quality was such that their facial features were reproduced in crystalline detail. Also, I couldn't escape the thought that this was the first and probably the only time I'd ever eat something that had the words "With Documents" written on it.
What I really wanted to do was find the book's author, so I could have the following conversation:
"I finished your book."
"Really? What did you think?"
"Frankly, I'm not impressed. It was a little dry, and some parts were hard to swallow. It wasn't so bad after I took some time to digest it, but overall, it left a bad taste in my mouth."
(rim shot)
(Do people use the phrase "rim shot" anymore? I'm talking about the sound a drummer makes when accentuating a bad joke, hitting the rim of the snare. That's what it's called. But seeing it actually written down made me think of basketball, or possibly an unpleasant sex act. Hmm.)

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