Monday, August 22, 2005

My last post in America.

Oh, wow.
First of all, where the hell did this summer go? One minute I'm cleaning out my dorm room, the next I'm sitting at my grandfather's house, about to go to D.C. for a two-day orientation followed by an eight-plus-hour plane ride to Russia, where my autumn will officially begin. I'm sure I did a lot of things in between those two minutes, but I have no idea what they were. I did come away from the summer with a few life lessons, the most important of which involves not stopping for gas in South Central on July 4th. Unfortunately, I failed to learn any life lessons about packing up all my belongings, despite having done it four times this summer (my room to Mudd-Blaisdell, Mudd-Blaisdell to the professor's house, the professor's house to Amherst, Amherst to Russia) and leaving, I'm sure, a few of my possessions behind each time.
As of now I'm as packed as I'll ever be, but I can't help thinking I forgot something incredibly important. It's always like that, of course. I'd never forget the box of Pad Thai mix, or the LeBron's Lightning Lemonade Bubblicious Bubble Gum (a gift for Russian kids) or my five hundredth H & M tank top, which I'm taking to Russia, along with its multicolored brethren, because what if I wake up and feel like wearing something yellow?
No, I'm forgetting something absolutely crucial to my survival in Russia, but, because of the way these things work, I won't know what it is until I step off the plane. I'll just have to wait and see.
See you on the other side (of the Atlantic Ocean)...

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