Sunday, August 07, 2005

Presenting A Moment In The Pioneer Valley.

SCENE: Downtown Northampton. A man in a judge's robe, a powdered wig and Birkenstocks is giving a speech in front of a church while a hairy, tattooed type on some nearby stairs is strumming a guitar and singing about Mother Ocean. TEEN EVANGELIST walks by with a binder and a handful of pamphlets.
TEEN EVANGELIST: Hi, I was wondering if you'd take one of these pamphlets. They're about my religion, and Jesus Christ...I made them all myself.
ME: Well, I would, but, um, Hava Nagila and all that.
T.E.: Huh?
ME: Hava Nagila.
T.E.:(blank stare)
ME: Baruch Atah Adonai? Shalom? (Pause.) Uh, I'm Jewish.
MAN ON STEPS: Yeah, there are more of us out there than you'd think.
T.E.: Oh, well, that's OK. As long as you believe in something, you know? You're not one of those atheists, believing in dirt and rocks and--
M.O.S: Hold on. Now you're making judgements about the beliefs of others. That's not a very Christian thing to do.
T.E.: I'm just saying--
PASSING WOMAN: (stops in tracks) Who? Who's making judgements?
M.O.S.: This guy. (turns back to TEEN EVANGELIST and continues argument while small crowd slowly gathers)
T.E.(clearly out of his league): Uh, well, maybe you have a point...What's that you're reading?
M.O.S.: Crimes Against Nature, by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
T.E.: He's a good man. A Christian, did you know that?
WOMAN: What does it matter if he's Christian? He's a good writer.
TEEN EVANGELIST gives up and walks away. The crowd, realizing the fun is over, slowly disperses.
MAN FROM CROWD (to MAN ON STEPS): Now have you heard of (name I didn't recognize)? He's an excellent atheist writer.
FIN (and welcome home...)

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