Sunday, February 05, 2006

The 'intrige' is gone, baby...

To the "Dick" who commented on my most recent post: "I trust you can correct that spelling"? I can only hope that was sarcasm, coming as it was from someone who thinks "intrigue" is spelled without the u. You people make me sick.
That is, unfortunately, the most interesting thing I have to write about at the moment. This whole reverse-culture-shock-I-don't-want-to-be-here-anymore -what-am-I-doing- with-my-life thing has plenty of drawbacks (I can't enjoy the classes I'm taking, even though they're all interesting enough; I'm late to work a lot due to my reluctance to wake up in the morning; I'm having trouble getting started on finding a summer job, which I should be doing even as I write this) but what I really can't stand is that I think I'm losing my sense of humor. More specifically, I'm losing my ability to find the inherent humor in most situations. This is something I've always prided myself on in the past, something I've used as both a coping strategy and a way to keep Blog Readers Like You entertained.
And now? Now I'm really fucking scared.
What am I going to lose next?

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