Monday, February 20, 2006

Kill the wabbit? Or kill the dominant paradigm?

Although this may not be my favorite semester in the world in terms of my personal life, at least I'm having fun in class. The bullsh--I mean, the general education requirements are out of the way, the major's thisclose to being signed, sealed and delivered, and now I really and truly am learning things that I want to know about. My Russian teacher is tougher on my grammar mistakes than the teachers in St. Petersburg ever were; I'm starting to realize that I like Russian literature a lot (a good thing, since I'm majoring in it); people are probably getting sick of my raving about my electronic music class; and music history, although sometimes a pain in the ass, is helping me appreciate all the music I couldn't stand as recently as two years ago. Once you know a piece's historical context, its composer's background, and the musical traditions that inspired it, it becomes so much more meaningful than before. It's like having a great conversation with a guy you didn't used to think was all that cute and coming away with a monster crush on him.
Speaking of that last class, here's something that amuses me: this college does everything within its power to oppose Christian straight male hegemony all of its departments except one. I'll give you a clue: it ends with "usic." I was passing by the campus's big auditorium today, and I took note of the bas-reliefs of composers' names featured prominently on the building's front. Bach. Beethoven. Chopin. Schubert. Wagner. All of them straight (as far as we know; I suppose what with all the juicy biographies of Lincoln and Hitler and so forth it's only a matter of time before we read something about how Beethoven was playing both the treble and the bass staves, if you know what I mean) white European Christian males. One of these (Wagner) was a public anti-Semite; I'm sure the rest of 'em didn't exactly go around shouting "Mazel Tov!" at their friends' sons' bar mitzvahs either. So where are all the rabid protesters? The offended hoardes demanding bas-reliefs of Duke Ellington or maybe Tchaikovsky (who was and continues to be embraced by even the most homophobic of St. Petersburg residents)? If these people are going to take offense at the heteronormativity of having separate men's and women's rooms, they had better be prepared to go all the way. I'm waiting...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I probably mentioned this already, but when Frank Zappa gave a concert at Big Bridges back in the day (okay...way back), students took down Brahms and put up a bas-relief of Zappa. Maybe they should have made it permanent. ~Anonymom