Sunday, August 13, 2006

A double realization.

The weather rates at about January by Southern California standards, the prices are so high that the stores and pubs might as well just vacuum the money out of my wallet, and I've suffered more romantic humiliation in the past month here than in the past couple of years in the States, but dammit, I love this city.
And if I don't watch it, by this time next year I'll have spent three straight Pomona semesters--collectively, about a year--wishing to God I were somewhere else.
I need to figure out what I'm doing wrong. And fast.
But first...a man in a Speedo juggling knives while riding a unicycle!

Dammit, I love this city.


sam said...

wooooo 06 being the summer of romantic humiliation!

alice in newyorkland said...

ah, the joys of british culture. shakespeare...oscar wilde...jane austen...a man on a unicycle juggling knives in his underwear.
makes you wonder what *happened* with that whole colonialism thang.

love yer blog.

i've posted a bit on my latest travels in the uk; if you're curious, check out (there's a part ii as well).
