Thursday, August 03, 2006

Killing time for the last time.

There are quite a few things that happened in the last two weeks, and I wrote a whole rant on my laptop about Rossyln Chapel and the Dan Brown-ization of Europe (it's not pretty), but that will all have to wait. Tonight I'm taking off to visit my mom, brother, stepdad and stepbrothers in Ireland (free flight + free place to stay + free food--oh, and seeing my family will be nice as well). Unfortunately that means missing the start of festival season, but by the time I get back here on Sunday night I expect things will have gotten interesting.
The flat will be interesting by then as well. A couple of days ago, a new flatmate moved in, bringing our total to six; I think another few people are due to move in soon. Meanwhile, Gary and Jack are moving out sometime next week, which will be weird since I get along with the two of them better than with the other guys, who tend to talk about sports a lot (and not sports that I know anything about, but things like cricket. I really don't get cricket.) It's been a fun month or so with the five of us, like something out of a sitcom--here's hoping I like the new guys and they stay away from my shower products.
Right now it's the last day of my office job, and in spite of myself I've been thinking that I'm going to miss it here. Which is ridiculous, really, because before I got the other job I was in the process of turning into Milton from Office Space. I'm not kidding--I actually got unreasonably pissed off when I thought someone had taken my stapler. (Turns out it was just buried under a pile of paperwork.) Still, it was nice to have the free weekends and the good pay rate, and at least I've been working for an organisation that does something to help people instead of spending the last month as a corporate pawn.
One thing this job didn't have, though, was transvestites from Thailand. Unlike, say, my new job working at the box office for a festival show called "The Ladyboys of Bangkok." Next week shall be interesting indeed...

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