Sunday, April 22, 2007

Dateline: Sunday, April 22.

One week from today, my thesis will be done and turned in. I'll have presented my thesis to my department, and I'll hopefully not have screwed it up. I'll have performed in what might be my last choir concert ever. My internship with NWE will be over, and I'll know whether I get to stay in LA and work an awesome entertainment industry job and keep my boyfriend or whether I'll have to start fresh, move back home, find a job in a city I actually like. And all that will stand between me and graduation will be a week in San Diego, a couple jazz gigs and a bitch of a Debussy prelude that I really should've started orchestrating a week ago but will only get around to this coming weekend.
Three weeks from today, I'll be a college graduate. Well, no, I'll probably be in the middle of sitting though an endless barrage of speeches about how far we've all come and and how I am responsible for using my just-acquired liberal arts education to benefit the greater community (Right. Maybe I'll go teach Russian Formalist theory to inner-city schoolchildren.) But several long hours after that, I'll be a college graduate.
Four weeks from today...well, who knows?
You'd think I'd be feeling something--anything--but mostly I'm just tired. Maybe I'll get all nostalgic after the fact, but for now I want to get everything over with as soon as humanly possible. Three weeks is not short enough.

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