Thursday, February 15, 2007

Jack Bauer or Jon Stewart?

For various reasons I've been feeling like absolute crap for most of today. The nail in my depression coffin, though, was this, an interview with Joel Surnow in the New Yorker. Joel Surnow is the man behind 24, the show that makes my Mondays surviveable. He is also, as is revealed in the article, a huge fucking conservative asshole.
To make matters worse, his new show, meant as a Daily Show alternative for the oh-so-oppressed conservative faction, is so unfunny it's...well, not funny.

I'm not saying liberals are immune to satire, or that Obama fever isn't just a little bit ridiculous (although I do like the guy.) But dear God, the worst torture method Jack Bauer could possibly imagine isn't as painful as that show. "BO Magazine"? "An all-time low of 99.9 percent"? They'd do a better job if they plagiarized from their enemies at The Daily Show:

So in conclusion, while I don't want to make assholes like Surnow any richer, I can't give up my Monday night endorphin rush. So I've decided that maybe I'll just illegally download new episodes off the network from now on. As a liberal, it's my moral obligation.

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