Sunday, March 27, 2005

NN-tss-NN-tss-NN-tss (et cetera).

When I came to college last year, I brought this $2 Casio keyboard I found at a garage sale during my senior year at high school. It had only two octaves and you couldn't play actual chords on it, but it made up for that with its selection of preprogrammed rhythms. With the touch of one button you could play "disco" "country" "waltz" and even "latin" (all these, of course, being various combinations of distorted, mechanical blips.) It also had different instrument settings, which all managed to sound loud and screechy, and these in combination with the rhythms made that keyboard the most annoying instrument since the banjo.
God, I miss it. I wish I knew what happened to it--which of the potheads from my former dorm borrowed it without asking; where I could've put it in the frenzy of cleaning out my room at the end of freshman year. At any rate, I think I need a keyboard. It's getting to the point where I might appreciate a good MIDI synth more than a flat-top semi-hollowbody jazz guitar. Sad, yes, but necessary if I want to be serious about this composing thing.
I didn't know today was Easter until I went to brunch and there was Martinelli's. Apparently the most fitting way to celebrate Christ's resurrection is to drink sparkling apple juice. I don't get Christians. At least Jewish holiday celebrations have something to do with the actual event being celebrated. For instance, we commemorate the Jews' liberation from Syrian invaders a top and eating chocolate. Never mind.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you know... with a keyboard like that, some major practice time, and some inspiration (read: hard drugs), you could be the next Wesley Willis
