Monday, March 21, 2005

Spring breeeeaaaak! over. I proved I'm a masochist once and for all by going home, where the weather was exactly the same as I had left it two months previously: snowy and freezing. On the upside, you can't spell home without H and M, and on my visit to that IKEA of clothing stores I managed to find an exact duplicate of the sweater that someone here stole from the laundry room. That helped. My trip to DC was a blast, although I nearly had to wipe the drool from my face after seeing their reliable, inexpensive public transportation. Damn you, Claremont!
OK. I gotta take this time to address a comment, made in all seriousness, that I heard a while ago. It was something along the lines of, "Lesbians are girls who are too ugly to get men, so they turn to women."
First off, most of the lesbians I know would have no trouble getting guys if that was what they wanted. Not to mention that if you're so ugly that absolutely no guy will date you, why would your luck be any better with girls? Think about it. Who's more picky, your average male or your average female? Intuitively, it seems like it would be harder for unattractive, sexually frustrated heterosexual guys to get a date than it would for girls in similar situations. But you don't see those guys turning gay. Although, at least in the case of some, it would be kind of nice if they did. They'd go to parties, get hit on by people like themselves, and finally see what it was that all those girls were running away from.

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