Monday, April 04, 2005

Looking to be a Claremont summer...

That's right, I officially got a summer research grant. Now all I need is summer housing (working on it), a summer band (not quite yet) and a summer mode of transportation (we'll see.)
I'll have to work on my food storage habits before then. Today I experienced mild horror when I realized my Trader Joe's Indian bread had gone bad before I'd eaten half the package. It's like I paid $1.99 for one of those high school petri dish experiments. I wonder what the difference is between the bluish-green mold, the white mold, and the orange mold. And if any of those are edible. It's good bread, you know.
In general, I'm not very good at the whole keeping-food-in-the-room thing. I start out with multiple varieties of healthy snacks and end up with fat and sugar. This is partly thanks to my super-Jewish, nurturing relatives, and partly thanks to my own belief that sweets are less fattening when they're on sale.
What's worse is that my parents aren't here to yell at me when I don't throw away empty containers. At this point, I think my fridge has more empty water bottles, hummus tubs, soy milk cartons and soup boxes than full ones. Yet another reason why I'm scared of the real world. I wonder which will dominate my future apartment more quickly: the empty containers or the bread mold?

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