Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Would you like some sauerkraut?

I really want to go to Germany knowing the German that I know now--that is to say, a few rudimentary phrases I've picked up and a lot of songs I've sung in various choirs. It'd be interesting...

Me: Good day!
Random German person: Hello.
Me: How are you?
German: Fine, and you?
Me: Is this not the wienerschnitzel?
German: What?
Me: For death shall be swallowed in victory!
German: Excuse me?
Me: See how the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he receive the early rain and the latter rain!
German: Get out of my country.
Me: I love you.

Just something I was thinking about in the middle of singing Brahms' Requiem yesterday. That concert, by the way, is going to kick ass. A 100-person choir and a full orchestra will be singing (and playing) their guts out for 70 straight minutes. Not only that, it has many parts that were, I'm convinced, written because Brahms hated sopranos. Maybe he got dumped by one. At any rate, you don't want to miss it.
Speaking of writing music...I spent five hours straight working on a composition for music theory yesterday, and it felt like nothing. I'm serious. I went into the practice room, started working, stepped out to get water for tea, drank tea, finished the piece, and all of a sudden it was two in the morning. I don't know if that's a good sign or not. I mean, do I really want to make a lifelong career out of something that makes me oblivious to the passage of time? It seems dangerous--I'll graduate college and, in what seems like five minutes, I'll be elderly and have nothing to show for it except compositions, which, knowing my luck, will all be background tracks for diaper commercials.

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