Sunday, May 08, 2005

I thought this kind of thing only happened in movies...

So I had a phone conversation today with this guy, John, who managed what he called an "all-girl rock band." Apparently it had always been his dream to put together a group of young girls that "rocked." The Donnas, he told me, don't "rock." Nor does Sleater-Kinney. No, the only girl group that will "rock" is the one that he personally assembles and molds into whatever the record companies will pay the most money for. He's got "connections," apparently. He said he knows a lot of people, including the former members of the quintessential female rock group the Runaways (believable) and Tony Iommi, guitarist for Black Sabbath (somehow I doubt that.)
I'm meeting with him next week.
Why? Short answer: the demos I heard weren't half bad, and I like money. Long answer: I feel like this "all-girl band" thing will give me the most access to the sinister inner workings of the music business. I want to see if these people are as shallow and as sexist as I believe them to be. If they are, I may have to decide between my principles, which tell me that I want to be accepted as a musician and not as good-for-a-girl, and my desire to play rock shows and make money this summer.
We'll see which wins out...stay tuned.

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