Friday, June 17, 2005

Insane grandfather, perplexed granddaughter.

I'm not entirely sure why my grandfather thought I'd want a copy of "Rich Dad, Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids about Money-That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not!" But when I went to get my mail today, there it was. The book's premise, as explained on the cover, is that the author was "raised by two dads," and took the advice of his "rich dad" while rejecting his biological "poor dad." Upon closer reading, we discover that the author's father was a straight, married schoolteacher, and his "rich dad" was actually his friend's father, who took the author under his wing and educated him in the ways of the financial world. Presumably, he did so by saying something useful in addition to meaningless slogans like "The poor and middle class work for money. The rich have money work for them!" but, having not read past the first chapter, I wouldn't know.
The book was also written in 1997, which says something about the relevance of its advice. I wonder how the author, who "retired at age 47," is doing now. I kind of hope he and his "rich dad" got hit hard by the recession and are living in a box somewhere, forced to depend on his "poor dad," who gives them a few dollars here and there with an "I told you so" smirk on his face.

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