Friday, March 24, 2006

What do you do with a B.A. in Russian?

...or, more accurately, what do you do when you realize that the life you always sort of thought you might have and the direction in which your life is actually going are like two parallel lines, appearing to meet at some unforeseen point on the horizon, but never, ever to intersect in reality?
Unless you subscribe to non-Euclidean theory, which would mean you'd achieve all your life goals right when the universe ended, or something. Which would still suck.
I wonder what the hell I was thinking when I was applying to colleges three-odd years ago. Did I honestly think a place like Pomona could help me get any closer to figuring things out, or was I fixated on the palm trees, the warmth and what I thought was a close proximity to a major city? (Ha.)
I almost wish we lived in the kind of society where our careers were predetermined at birth. Because seriously? We talk about the importance of giving ourselves time to explore lots of options and choose for ourselves, but the people who get ahead are the people who chose--or were forced to choose-- very early on. Maybe I'd only get assigned to be a sanitation worker, but by now I'd be a damn good sanitation worker. I'd be much better at sanitation than I currently am at Russian translation or music composition or performace or analysis, and who knows? Maybe I'd love every minute of it.

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