Monday, April 03, 2006

And now for something completely...the same...

Around this time last year I compared my life to a video game. These days, it's feeling more like a Monty Python sketch without the humor: things seem very silly and very pointless, and I find it hard to do anything but wait for a large foot to come crashing down on it all.
Mostly it's the what-am-I-going-to-do-with-my-summer thing, combined with the what-am-I-going-to-do-with-my-life thing, combined with getting the "random" room draw number 314 out of 340 members of the senior class, combined with the usual Claremont-induced frustration.
Oh, and I'm still single. But by this point, that's like saying "Oh, and I'm still breathing air."
I think I liked Russia because when I was there I was forced to live in the moment. I didn't have time or mental space to think about my future career or my summer plans or even my lack of a boyfriend; I was too busy going places and meeting people and finding out what operas were playing that weekend.
Here in Claremont, the present offers no such diversions (although I admit the Russian section retreat a couple days ago was fun) and the future appears to be approaching at an alarming rate. Here's hoping it's not as scary as it seems.

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