Sunday, October 08, 2006

Sawat di xa!

I thought I was getting over missing Edinburgh, but I just realized that I don't know what happened to my Sabai bracelet--the cheaply made beaded thing I got for free at my Ladyboys of Bangkok gig--and now I'm feeling quite down. It must've gotten lost somewhere in the indescribably horrible mess that was September 2nd, 2006 (let's just say I made it out of the country, but hardly in one piece.) It's not like I thought about the bracelet at all in the past month, and I still have my Ladyboys poster, my T-shirt and the couple of Thai phrases I picked up, know. Even though I only worked at that box office for a couple of weeks, to me the job represents all the wonderfully bizarre yet rewarding possibilities life has to offer, things you can never imagine yourself doing until you're smack in the middle of them. That poster serves as a physical reminder of one of many crucial lessons I learned this past summer: you're never as far from positive, life-changing experiences as you think you are. You just have to figure out how to track them down.
I've been doing my best to make the most of the situation here. In the past four days I've gone to my friend Emi's show at an LA club, a performance by an improv group, a Tom Stoppard play and an orchestra concert, not to mention played a jazz gig at the campus center. The problem is, such cultural melees are few and far between, what with not having a car and being up to my ears--or, since I'm short, the ears of someone taller than me--in work.
On the bright side, I'm excited about starting a Russian choir. Excited about the music, and excited about taking a real leadership position for the first time in, um, my entire life.
At the risk of sounding needlessly self-deprecating, I wonder how I'll manage to fuck it up?

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