Friday, May 20, 2005

The art of eating cheep--uh, I mean, cheap.

I was walking to work today when I heard the most godawful "CHEEP CHEEP CHEEP" sound imaginable. Attributing it to some dumb bird, I kept walking. It was then that this guy with an expensive camera rushed by me on a Razor scooter, pausing to ask me if I wanted to see a real live eagle.
Ignoring the sketchy-pick-up-line potential of that question, I followed him. Sure enough, there it was: a baby eagle, perched uncertainly on a stairway railing, looking scared out of its mind and chirping like a motherfucker. I got some amusement out of watching the guy try to take its picture ("Come on, let's get a shot of you chirping...come on...Cheep cheep cheep! No? Ok, let's get a shot of you standing still...Look at me!") but mostly I felt sorry for it. It was this tiny little thing stranded without friends or family, it wasn't quite sure how to fly away or feed itself, and some guy was speaking to it in an incomprehensible language and expecting it to understand.
It kind of reminded me of...someone.
All right, so I have friends here (sort of) and I can get away if need be (and if I can afford the gas) but my work is damn near incomprehensible. Sample sentence from the book I'm reading, titled "Basic Atonal Theory":"For each TnI on pc, there are always two centers of symmetry 6 semitones apart, since the system is now mod 12." Another: "Webern mainly eschewed combinatoriality in favor of such principles as 'dyadic invariance under inversion.'"
Didn't I decide to be a music major to get away from math? And if this is basic atonal theory, I'd like to see complex atonal theory. Actually, no I wouldn't.
And don't even get me started on feeding myself. I never realized how inconvenient food was until I had to procure it for myself. Grocery shopping isn't that bad. In fact, at the risk of sounding like an ad, Trader Joe's makes it fun. But for any given meal, you have to figure out what you're going to eat, then cook it. Figuring it out is hard enough, especially with a limited repertoire of food--what can I put on a tortilla that I haven't already? can you make a salad dressing out of Ralph's brand oil and vinegar?--but cooking is just a bitch. Don't get me wrong, I love making the occasional fancy dinner, but when you're on a college student budget and have to go through this whole process three times a day, every day...not as fun as it might seem.
Then again, it could be worse. I could be dependent on whatever partially digested animals my mother decides to regurgitate at me. Score one for being human.

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