Tuesday, April 11, 2006

What's the biggest room in the world?

My room draw number--a pathetic 314 out of something like 320--necessitated my standing in line for five hours just so I could point to a square on a chart and sign a piece of paper. And so my fate for next year was sealed: I didn't get the room of my dreams, of course, but it's not too far from most of my friends, and it's a single, which is all that matters.
Especially after the past week, in which I have experienced all the awkwardness that comes with having a roomate with a new boyfriend. This didn't happen at all freshman year (a very good thing; life back then was annoying enough) so I'm kind of at a loss now. It seems that they carry out most of their business in his room, but they take the occasional tandem nap in my room, and dealing with that is awkward. At least if you walk in on your roomate having full-on sex, you know what to do--run away, as fast as possible (or, if you're the blackmailing type, fetch your video camera and return posthaste.) But what do you do if you open the door and the room is dark and they're just sort of lying there wrapped around each other? Should you say anything? What if you need to turn on a light? Is it safe to change clothes? Are they asleep or just waiting for you to go away?
Dammit, I want an etiquette guide for this sort of thing, and I want it fast.
The biggest room in the world would be room for improvement. My life has lots of that at the moment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You need to adapt the fish system, like my roommate and I use. Put up a whiteboard on the door, and ask your roommate to indicate her activity level using the following scale:
Tadpole = cuddling or making out
Trout = Groping or removal of clothes
Shark = sex
Whale = Hot, wild, porn star style sex
Octupus = orgy
You know what degree of caution you need to enter the room with, and others in your hall merely think you like to decorate your door with an ocean motif. When properly implemented, it works very well.