Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Why not you tell me this right away?

I remember this one "Sesame Street" book I used to have (or maybe it was my brother's...well, either way) wherein Elmo or maybe Grover is trying to make soup, and Cookie Monster shows up to help. After adding various bits of kitchen detritus, he ambles over to Elmo or Grover's fridge, takes a look around, and finds something to his liking. He emerges and, filled with a peculiar mixture of triumph and outrage, cries: "ROAST BEEF! WHY NOT YOU TELL ME THIS RIGHT AWAY?!"
Replace "roast beef" with "practically-next-door-neighbor who is decent (at least as far as I know after a week and a half) and adorable in a way that is vaguely Cillian Murphy without the creepy and plays bass" and you've pretty much summed up my feelings of late. I'd say this is karmic payback after a run of unfortunate luck with guys, but he's going away next semester so it's more likely the universe is trying for some some sort of artistic experiment a la Jill Greenberg, the British photographer famous for giving toddlers candy, then taking it away and capturing their misery on film. I read an interview where she said she was making a political statement, but I don't buy it.

Heartbreaking, isn't it?

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